Thursday, March 5, 2020

Potraits of a Man Listening Exercise

Potraits of a Man Listening Exercise As we are all obsessed with selfies, Instagram, and other forms of photography, the video below shows  how our ideas about who we are photographing influence how we take photos.Watch the video below about  this interesting experiment. Youll  hear some great  vocabulary about photography. Then see if you can answer the listening exercise questions below.Answer the questions below in comments and well reply.What is the first character Marco plays?In the second introduction what has Marco done?What is his third character?For the  4th character what does Marco claim to be?What does claim to be mean? Why doesnt he say: Marco is a psychic?For the 6th character what was Marco in the past?Does one of the photographers think that Marco is hiding something?One of the photographers doesnt want to take a beautiful picture of Marco. T/FWas everything Marco said true?What do you think this experiment reveals?Photography idioms and vocabulary:Take a photo/picture This is the most important vocabul ary for photography. The verb take is used to mean the action of capturing the photo. Important phrases: Will you take our picture?Photo shoot This is a formal session when a photographer takes several photos of a person or people.Selfie This is an informal expression of taking a photo of yourself with your phone.Candid photo This is an unposed photo.Here is an LOI English original lesson that you can take about photography.

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